
Services Offered by King Camera

Our services are focussed on meeting the needs of TV production.

In TV production we provide digital rostrum camera techniques.


For Digital Rostrum output we deliver shots ready for AVID or Final Cut edit. In 1080 25p or 50i & many other formats & frame rates.




Rostrum Service using Adobe After Effects

Your Source Images: You can provide 35mm slides through to A1 posters. We can also receive your images as email attachments in almost any file format, or on CD & DVD.


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For Digital Rostrum Services delivery

We can transfer using WeTransfer or to portable hard-drives & USB drives, CD, DVD, Quicktime Movies.

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Printing Services

We can undertake image repair and / or manipulation in Photoshop if required.

Your Source Images: Almost any file format on CD; DVD; USBstick or via email (no limit on file size).

Our Output: We offer photo-realistic printing onto glossy or matte photo paper up to A3+ (proofs available on request).

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© Copyright King Camera 2021
•  Digital Production Service
Rostrum Service
Digital Rostrum Services
Printing Services